Tara Karpinski

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

HAS University of Applied Sciences

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Tara Karpinski is a designer and researcher. Her projects are characterised by site-specific research and site-specific making, and realised in cooperation with diverse communities.

Tara is one of the founders of design-collective Pink Pony Express – pioneers in research through making. The collective works at the intersection of research, design and society. Their projects are realised on locations where there is palpable friction between citizens and government; where their work uses public space to sets-out other perspectives on complex social questions.

Parallel on her design practice, Tara regularly lectures at universities and art academies, and has worked as an embedded researcher-designer for institutions including the Universiteit van Amsterdam and Leuphana University. She is currently a researcher at the Centre of Expertise for Art, Design and Technology (Breda) for the group Situated Art & Design. She teaches research through design at the University of Applied Sciences in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, NL.


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: