Tatiana Bazzichelli

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Ta­tiana Bazz­ichelli is PhD Scholar at Aarhus Uni­ver­sity. She is board mem­ber of the Dig­i­tal Aes­thet­ics Re­search Cen­ter in Aarhus and vis­it­ing scholar at Stan­ford Uni­ver­sity (2009). She has been ac­tive in the Ital­ian hacker com­mu­nity since the end of the ’90s and is the founder of the AHA: Ac­tivism-Hack­ing-Artivism pro­ject (http://?www.?ecn.?org/?aha), which won the hon­orary men­tion for dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ties at Ars Elec­tron­ica (2007). She wrote the book Net­work­ing. The Net as Art­work (Costa & Nolan, 2006/DARC, 2009).

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