Thor Magnusson
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Thor Magnusson is a musician/writer/programmer working in the fields of music and generative art. His PhD from the University of Sussex focused on computer music interfaces from the perspective of philosophy of technology, phenomenology and cognitive science. He is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Art and Media at the University of Brighton but also teaches courses on computer music, algorithmic and interactive systems in the Creative Systems MSc course at the University of Sussex and the Sonic Arts course of Middlesex University. Thor is mainly interested in improvisation, live performances, installations and audio software production. He is a co-founder and member of the ixi audio collective. With ixi he has written various musical software and given workshops and talks in key institutions across Europe on the design and creation of digital musical instruments and sound installations. Thor has presented and performed in various festivals and conferences, such as Sonar festival, Transmediale, ISEA (International Symposium for Electronic Arts), Ertz festival, ICMC (International Computer Music Conference), NIME Conference (New Interfaces for Musical Expression), Impact Festival, Soundwaves festival, Cybersonic festival, Ultrasound festival, RE:New, and Pixelache.
Dr. Thor Magnusson, a senior lecturer at University of Brighton’s Faculty of Arts, works in the fields of music and generative art. Recent research and publications are on improvisation in electronic music, philosophy of technology, instrument design and music programming language design. Thor is a co-founder and member of the ixi audio collective.
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Full text (PDF) p. 1611-1616
ixi lang take on Steve Reich’s Piano Phase
Title: ixi lang: A Constraint System for Live Coding
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Title: Computer Music, Music Languages, Live Coding
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Title: The Musical Score: The System and the Interpreter