Tim Dekkers

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Tim Dekkers (NL) is one of Manifestations Young Talents and nominated for the Young Talent Awards 2018. In 2018 he graduated from the University of the Arts in Utrecht (HKU) The Netherlands, with his fashion collection “The Parasitic Humanity”. In January 2019 he received the HKU Award for Artistic Performance for this work. Almost immediately after graduation he started as a Designer in the field of fashion, interior and art. He likes to explore the boundaries between fashion, design and art. His work is typical for the use of materials. He is always looking for materials that can support and tell his story and concept. He is guided by the material. The material determines what he can and cannot do. His preference therefore lies in the search for materials that are not used directly within the fashion field. The final silhouette is formed directly on the doll or human body.

Last Known Location:

Laren, Netherlands the

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: