Toni Dove

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Toni Dove is a media artist. Her installation, Mesmer — Secrets of the Human Frame, was part of the 1990 Art in the Anchorage exhibition, sponsored by Creative Time. A book was published by Granary Books in the spring of ’93.The performance/ installation The Blessed Abyss—A Tale of Unmanageable Ecstasies, debuted at the Whitney Museum of American Art as part of the series Performing Bodies and Smart Machines, which Dove co­-curated. The soundtrack was commissioned by New American Radio for its 1991-92 series.The piece was also exhibited in October 1992 at the Thread Waxing Space, and at the New School in the spring of ’93, in the Franklin Furnace performance series. Dove developed a collabora­tive virtual reality world, Archeology of a Mother Tongue, at the Banff Centre for the Arts in Canada. She completed a video installation, Casual Workers, Hallucinations, and Appropriate Ghosts for 42nd Street, sponsored by Creative Time and the 42nd Street Development Corp. She is cur­rently working on Artificial Changeling’s, an interactive narrative installation that uses video motion sensing to engage viewers in a responsive environment.The piece is supported by grants from the N.E.A., The New York State Council on the Arts, The New York Foundation for the Arts, Art Matters, Inc. and Harvestworks, Inc. It has been pre­sented in lecture and video form as a work in progress at a number of conferences including ISEA95, Montreal; The Pong Festival, Brown University; Rhode Island Design, 199?; The 2 Grands Etats Generaux de acriture Interactive sponsored by Art 3000, Paris, 1996. Dove recent­ly received a Media Arts award from MIT.

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Role(s) at the symposia over the years: