Ursula Damm

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Ursula Damm has become known for her installations dealing with geometry and its social impact on public space. Her works are shown nationally and internationally in numerous exhibitions. Since 2008 she holds the chair of Media Environments (Media Arts & Design) at the Bauhaus-University Weimar.


Born 1960 in Boppard, Germany, Ursula Damm studied from 1981-89 at the Duesseldorf Art Academy. After several years of free artistic work she returned as a postgraduate student to the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne. Since 2001 she is teaching there. Her artistic work includes installations dealing predominately with space properties and the related social context. Ursula Damm has had a number of group and individual exhibitions since1 985, including Coethe House New York, Ars electronics, Ludwig Forum for International Art in Aachen and Kunstmuseum Duesseldorf. She has won several grants and prizes (Cite des Arts Stipendium, Paris, DuMont-Prize, Krupp Von-bohlen-und Halbach-Prize). In 1998 Damm headed a research project: inoutsite.de.

Last Known Location:


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: