Venzha Christiawan

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

House of Natural Fiber

Also Known as:

Venzha Christ

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Ven­zha Christ (1975), male, In­done­sia, 1996 grad­u­ated from in­te­rior de­sign fac­ulty (BA), In­done­sia In­sti­tute of the Arts (ISI). Focus on new media art since 1999, and built HONF, yo­gyakarta new media art lab­o­ra­tory’ that has pro­duced and or­ga­nized lots of pro­jects such as pub­lic art in­stal­la­tions, media per­for­mances, media art fes­ti­vals, tech­nol­ogy re­search, vide­owork fes­ti­val, work­shops, dis­cus­sions, DIY gath­er­ings, elec­tronic and media cul­ture move­ment, etc. Ven­zha is founder of HONF, Ed­u­ca­tion Focus Pro­gram (EFP) plat­form, and elec­tro­core sound pro­ject. He and com­mu­nity were pre­sent­ing media art pro­jects in many places and coun­try world­wide. Ven­zha is a con­cep­tor and di­rec­tor also for YIVF (Yo­gyakarta In­ter­na­tional Vide­owork Fes­ti­val) and CELLS­BUT­TON (Yo­gyakarta In­ter­na­tional Media Art Fes­ti­val), which pro­duced by HONF every year.

Last Known Location:


International Programme Committee:

Art Jury Member: