Vicky Isley

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Vicky Isley, co-founder boredomresearch, Southampton, UK.


boredomresearch is a collaboration between artists Vicky Isley & Paul Smith (UK). They are internationally renowned for creating artworks which explore extended time frames and the mechanics of the natural world using contemporary technology. boredomresearch’s work opens channels for meaningful dialogue and engagement between public and scientific  domains. Their work Real Snail Mail (the world’s first webmail service to use real snails), which challenges our cultural obsession with speed, received worldwide attention including coverage in BBC, TIME Magazine, New Scientist and Daily Planet Discovery Channel Canada.


Vicky Isley & Paul Smith have been col­lab­o­rat­ing as bore­dom­re­search since 2000. They are in­ter­na­tion­ally renowned for cre­at­ing soft­ware dri­ven art, highly aes­thetic both vi­su­ally and acousti­cally. Their art­works are in­spired by the di­ver­sity that ex­ists in na­ture – sim­u­lat­ing nat­ural pat­terns and be­hav­iours they cre­ate new in­tri­cate forms and com­po­si­tions within in­ter­ac­tive and pub­lic art­works, on­line en­vi­ron­ments and gen­er­a­tive ob­jects. Their art­work has been awarded an hon­orary men­tion in Trans­me­di­ale.05, Berlin (2005) and VIDA 7.0 Art & Ar­ti­fi­cial Life In­ter­na­tional Com­pe­ti­tion, Madrid (2004). Bore­dom­re­search’s art­work has been widely ex­hib­ited in­ter­na­tion­ally their re­cent ex­hi­bi­tions in­clude KUMU Art Mu­seum, Tallinn (2011); [DAM]Cologne (2011); Today Art Mu­seum, Bei­jing (2010); Lab­o­ral, Gijon (2010); MAXXI, Rome (2010); iMal, Brus­sels (2008) and In­sti­tuto Itaú Cul­tural, São Paulo (2008).The artists are rep­re­sented by [DAM]Berlin/Cologne and are ArtSway As­so­ci­ates, and you can find their art­work in many col­lec­tions in­clud­ing the British Coun­cil’s. They are both cur­rently Re­search Lec­tur­ers at the Na­tional Cen­tre for Com­puter An­i­ma­tion, Bournemouth Uni­ver­sity, UK.

Last Known Location:

United Kingdom


Role(s) at the symposia over the years:
