Viktor Bedö
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Viktor Bedö’s research focuses on inventive methodologies of understanding interactions between people, technologies and the built environment in cities and speculating about convivial urban futures. Building on his background in philosophy of embodied knowledge and urban mapping, Viktor developed a research through design practice in which prototyping, ‘making’ and play are means of probing conceptual and design-related matters. He operates at the intersection of design theory, critical design, urbanism, and street game design.
Currently, he is a researcher at the Critical Media Lab at the FHNW Academy of the Arts and Design in Basel (CH), and a visiting research fellow at the Centre for Urban and Community Research at Goldsmiths, University of London (UK). He is founder of Tacit Dimension, the independent research lab for street games.
Last Known Location:
Previous Location(s):
- HU
- HU
Title: The Street Plugin: Playing People and Infrastructure Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):