
ISEA Bio(s) Available:


  • Christoph Theiler & Renate Pittroff, wechselstrom Vienna, Austria.  “wechselstrom” is a label owned by Renate Pittroff & Christoph Theiler. Based in Vienna, “wechselstrom” runs a socalled “offspace”, which offers room for exhibitions, media activism and all art forms on the fringe of culture. Selected works: Piefkedenkmal – the construction of a monument for the musician Gottfried Piefke, who is also the namesake of the well known Austrian derogatory name for Germans (2009 Gänserndorf). Samenschleuder – a tool for environmentally conscious car driving (2009 Weinviertel, Lower Austria) bm:dna – the government department for dna-analysis (2005 Vienna). Tracker Dog – follow a (your) dog and track the route with a GPS, then print and distribute new walking maps (2008
    Mostviertel, Lower Austria). Community Game – a tool for distributing government grants
    using a mixed system of democratic vote and randomized control (2006 Vienna – distributing 125.000 Euro). whispering bones – a theatre play asking for the whereabouts
    of A. Hitler´s bones (2004 Vienna, rta-wind-channel). Reply – mailing action: resending Mozart´s begging letters under our own name to 270 people: to the 100 richest Germans
    and Austrians, to managers and artists of the classical music business, and all members of the Austrian government (2005/06 Vienna). Re-Entry: Life in the Petri Dish – Opera for Oldenburg 2010.

Last Known Location:

Vienna, Austria

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Role(s) at the symposia over the years: