Xu Wenkai

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Aaa­jiao (Xu Wenkai), CTO and the co-founder of Xin­dan­wei, is one of China’s fore­most dig­i­tal artists, blog­gers and free cul­ture de­vel­op­ers. In 2003 he es­tab­lished the sound art web­site cornersound.com and in 2006 he founded the Chi­nese take on the blog we-make-money-not-art called “We-Need-Money-Not-Art.com”. He is de­voted to Pro­cess­ing, an open source vi­sual pro­gram­ming soft­ware and Dork­bot, a non-profit ini­tia­tive for cre­ative minds. His art­work can be seen at:  eventstructure.com

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: