Yian­nis Co­lakides is an AA (Lon­don) trained, prac­tic­ing ar­chi­tect and di­rec­tor of Co­lakides & As­so­ci­ates (Cyprus). He is also the co-founder and co-di­rec­tor of NeMe, a peer re­viewer at Leonardo Ab­stract Ser­vice (LABs), video maker and cu­ra­tor. His video works (some in col­lab­o­ra­tion with He­lene Black) have been ex­hib­ited in arts cen­tres and mu­se­ums in var­i­ous coun­tries. He cu­rated The Mir­ror Stage (Lani­tis Foun­da­tion, Li­mas­sol, Cyprus) and co-cu­rated with He­lene Black So now what… (Lin­coln Cen­tre, NY, USA), Di­a­logues with the Ma­chine (Sala Berlanga, Madrid, Spain), Mar­gins of Time (Lani­tis Foun­da­tion), Cor Unum (NCCA, Moscow, Rus­sia) and co­or­di­nated In Tran­si­tion Cyprus 2006 (Lani­tis Foun­da­tion), In Tran­si­tion Rus­sia 2008 (NCCA, Moscow and Mu­seum of Fine Arts, Eka­ter­in­burg, Rus­sia).