Ziwei Wu
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Computational Media and Computational Arts, PhD Student
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
- Ziwei Wu is a media artist and researcher who was born in Shenzhen, China. She is a Ph.D. student in Computational Media and Arts (CMA) at HKUST. Her artworks are mainly based on biology, science, and the influence on society by using a range of media. She is a Lumen prize winner; Batsford prize winner. Her research was published in the SIGGRAPH Art Program and EVA London. She has exhibited at international venues, including CYFEST in Southeastern Europe, Norwegian BioArt Arena (NOBA)-Vitenparken in Norwegian, Watermans Gallery and Cello Factory in London, NeurIPS AI Art Gallery, ArtMachine2 in Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre in Hong Kong and so on.
Title: NER: Physical-Virtual Multimodal Generative NFT with a Rarity Model