“A Thousand Dreams Unbuilt: Navigating Digital Empathy in the Crisis of Unfinished Buildings” presented by Zhao and Pan
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This study explores the role of art and technology in revealing and addressing social issues arising from urbanization, specifically in the case of unfinished buildings across various cities in China. Through literature review and practical case study of the “A Thousand Dreams Unbuilt” project, the application of 3D scanning, Virtual Reality (VR), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in understanding and addressing housing issues is analyzed. These technologies not only illustrate the aspirations of the owners of unfinished buildings for ideal living spaces but also evoke a deeper understanding and empathy for their situation. “A Thousand Dreams Unbuilt,” by integrating technology and art, offers attention to marginalized communities while challenging the audience’s perception of reality and virtual worlds. This research demonstrates the potential of combining art and technology in promoting social justice and transformation, urging a re-examination of these tools in solving global housing issues.