Aes­thet­ics of Voice


Session Title:

  • Voicing Electronic Arts

Presentation Title:

  • Aes­thet­ics of Voice




  • Panel: Voicing Electronic Arts

    This paper in­tro­duces the panel’s key themes in re­la­tion to vocal aes­thet­ics: voice as in­ter-sub­jec­tive, para­dox­i­cal, un­canny,  in­ti­mate – de­ter­mined by, and de­ter­min­ing of, spa­tial re­la­tion­ships. It dis­cusses in­ter-dis­ci­pli­nary the­o­ret­i­cal ap­proaches to voice and uses spe­cific ex­am­ples from media arts to dis­cuss modal­i­ties and tech­niques of voice. Fi­nally, it looks at how the cur­rent dig­i­tal and net­worked mo­ment is open­ing new pos­si­bil­i­ties for artists work­ing with voice on the one hand, and how on the other hand, at­ten­tion to vocal aes­thet­ics is help­ing us to un­der­stand such cur­rently ubiq­ui­tous phe­nom­ena as au­then­tic­ity ef­fect and per­for­ma­tiv­ity.

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