Art In Sci­ence or Sci­ence In Art? On an Often Un­der­es­ti­mated Re­la­tion­ship


Session Title:

  • The Data Landscapes of Climate Change (FARFIELD 2)

Presentation Title:

  • Art In Sci­ence or Sci­ence In Art? On an Often Un­der­es­ti­mated Re­la­tion­ship




  • Panel: The Data Landscapes of Climate Change (FARFIELD 2)

    “Logic, there­fore, re­mains bar­ren un­less fer­til­ized by in­tu­ition.”  _Jules Henri Poin­caré
    “The aim of music is not to ex­press feel­ings but to ex­press music.”  _Pierre Boulez

    Many sci­en­tists be­lieve not only that art has no place in sci­ence, but also that the two are ba­si­cally in­com­pat­i­ble and if art might exert any in­flu­ence on sci­ence, this would bedrag­gle sci­ence. On the other hand many artists feel that sci­ence is dull and is thwart­ing their cre­ativ­ity and artistry. How­ever, I am con­vinced the re­al­ity is more com­plex than that- that art, as well as sci­ence, are in­ter­linked more than is gen­er­ally ac­knowl­edged and could mu­tu­ally ben­e­fit from each other. Draw­ing from my per­sonal ex­pe­ri­ence as a sci­en­tist and once mu­si­cian, I will dis­cuss how much sci­ence is art, and how much sci­ence can bring to art in a sub­jec­tive col­lage of thoughts and ideas, mostly draw­ing from the topic cli­mate change.
