Aug­men­t_me: An­thro­po­mor­phis­ing the Other and Aug­ment the Self


Session Title:

  • Don’t Anthropomorpise Me: Electronic Performance Tools, Automatons and The Vanity Apocalypse

Presentation Title:

  • Aug­men­t_me: An­thro­po­mor­phis­ing the Other and Aug­ment the Self




  • Panel: Don’t Anthropomorpise Me: Electronic Performance Tools, Automatons and The Vanity Apocalypse

    The paper will ex­am­ine iden­tity and our data shadow as sub­jects of the van­ity apoc­a­lypse, with par­tic­u­lar em­pha­sis on how we make sense of them and re­flect upon how we might or might not in­ter­act with them. I will in­ter­ro­gate the choice of rep­re­sen­ta­tions and in­ter­faces used to de­velop the re­spon­sive in­stal­la­tion aug­men­t_me and ex­am­ine it var­i­ous data flows. I wish to crit­i­cal ex­am­ine how we are “nat­u­rally in­clined” to in­ter­act and use these tech­nolo­gies. I pro­pose to ex­am­ine this ex­panded sense of self and I sus­pect a vic­ar­i­ous con­nect­ed­ness with the world around. I wish to offer re­flec­tion upon our need to be seen as com­plete and whole. Draped in our in­se­cu­ri­ties of dif­fer­ence and in des­per­ate need of sim­i­lar­ity we an­thro­po­mor­phise the other and aug­ment the self.

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