“Dénouement’s Afterword: A Pictorial Exploration on Subjective Sentiments of Death, Loss, and Grief through Animation Practice” presented by Ung
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Dénouement’s Afterword: A Pictorial Exploration on Subjective Sentiments of Death, Loss, and Grief through Animation Practice is a reflective afterword on a practice-based research project that engages with the emotionally fraught, complex and human experience of losing a loved one. Reflecting on the animation project, Dénouement’s Afterword explores the project’s inspiration, procedures and development, shedding light on how the contemplations of the practitioner, the practice and research intersect to address themes of death, loss and grief. The pictorial touches on the project’s intricate temporality, particularly in representing past, present, and future emotions for the practitioner, suggesting future directions with temporal dimensions.
The practice detailed in this pictorial underpins the researcher’s passion to draw the world (as they see it), moving it in time and moving those who view the work, emotionally.