“Gaze into Legends: Crafting Personalized Narratives through VR Eye-tracking” presented by Feng and Cai
Session Title:
- Virtual (artist talks)
Presentation Title:
- Gaze into Legends: Crafting Personalized Narratives through VR Eye-tracking
Presentation Subtheme:
- Resilient stories
This project introduces an innovative paradigm for mythological storytelling within a gaze-controlled virtual reality environment. Departing from conventional mediums such as audio and text, it enables users to engage in first-person explorations of global mythologies and folktales. Leveraging intuitive eye-tracking mechanisms and interactive chatbot technology, it fosters immersive narrative experiences. Informed by user interaction patterns, the system facilitates dynamic co-creation. This adaptive storytelling not only delivers personalized experiences but also encourages diverse interpretations and deeper connections with mythological content. By transcending simplistic symbols prevalent in static storytelling, our work redefines narrative exploration, offering a multi-layered journey into mythological realms.