Biotopo­log­i­cal Re­con­fig­u­ra­tions: Biospa­tial Af­fec­tions and In­fec­tions


Session Title:

  • BioARTCAMP: Laboratory Ecologies in the Wild West

Presentation Title:

  • Biotopo­log­i­cal Re­con­fig­u­ra­tions: Biospa­tial Af­fec­tions and In­fec­tions




  • Panel: BioARTCAMP: Laboratory Ecologies in the Wild West

    Biotopo­log­i­cal Re­con­fig­u­ra­tions will ad­dress the spa­tial re­al­ity of the BioART­CAMP. Build­ing a lab­o­ra­tory -a closed and ster­ile en­vi­ron­ment- into the wild gives birth to a pro­duc­tive re­la­tion­ship be­tween open and closed spaces, be­tween ster­ile en­vi­ron­ments and po­ten­tially in­fec­tious sites. These per­for­ma­tive re­la­tions amount to the prob­lema­ti­za­tion of biotech­no­log­i­cally shaped en­vi­ron­ments in terms of con­nec­tions be­tween mi­lieus of in­te­ri­or­ity and mi­lieus of ex­te­ri­or­ity, in terms of topo­log­i­cal con­nec­tions; biotopolo­gies. How does the open­ing up of a mi­lieu of in­te­ri­or­ity, of a closed -or ster­ile- en­vi­ron­ment, to an open -po­ten­tially in­fec­tious- space, that is to a mi­lieu of ex­te­ri­or­ity, to a space of in­de­ter­mi­nacy, to a fu­tu­rity, a chang­ing po­ten­tial, af­fects -or in­fects- liv­ing’s spa­tial con­di­tions? Draw­ing upon in­ter­views I will con­duct with all the par­tic­i­pants of the BioART­CAMP, I will offer a crit­i­cal analy­sis of the biotech fu­ture in terms of spa­tial and/or ar­chi­tec­tural tech­nol­ogy.

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