“Channelling Dulcie’s Piano – How the River Taught the Piano to Sing” presented by Tomlinson and Budel

Session Title:

Sound (short papers)

Presentation Title:

Channelling Dulcie's Piano - How the River Taught the Piano to Sing

Presentation Subtheme:

Ecologies of place


Channelling Dulcies Piano: How the River taught the piano to play” (CDP) is an audio-visual work connecting the human and more-than human through data translation of post-flood river systems on to an aging surplus-to-needs pianola. The work sits at the at the confluence of experi-mental sound art, acoustimology, climate concerns and piano performance practice. The site of the work is the largest river system in Australia, following the Murray River from its mouth in South Australia, along its tributar-ies to the Great Dividing Range in northern New South Wales. The piano – the central object of this work – was towed 3000kms on a trailor over ten days and 8 perfor-mance locations.

