Com­pumor­phic Art: The Com­puter as Muse


Session Title:

  • Compumorphic Art – The Computer as Muse

Presentation Title:

  • Com­pumor­phic Art: The Com­puter as Muse




  • Panel: Compumorphic Art: The Computer as Muse

    This paper will in­tro­duce the panel theme of com­pumor­phic art and place the phrase in terms of the de­vel­op­ing re­la­tion­ship be­tween ma­te­r­ial art forms and inan­i­mate/dig­i­tal con­tent. Fur­ther­more, the no­tion that com­pumor­phic art­works refer to not only the vi­sual aes­thetic of the dig­i­tal com­puter but may also re­flect or ques­tion the emo­tion val­ues and on­to­log­i­cal qual­i­ties we com­monly as­sign to com­put­ing tech­nolo­gies will be dis­cussed.
    I will also de­scribe re­cent ex­am­ples of my own art prac­tice as an ex­am­ple of com­pumor­phic art.
