Con­tent Os­mo­sis


Session Title:

  • Without Sin: Taboo and Freedom within Digital Media

Presentation Title:

  • Con­tent Os­mo­sis




  • Panel: Without Sin: Taboo and Freedom within Digital Media

    Con­tent Os­mo­sis refers to a sit­u­a­tion when an as­pect of a medium’s con­tent is trans­ferred to the per­son­al­ity of an au­di­ence, such as in­tel­lec­tual con­tent mak­ing the au­di­ence feel more in­tel­lec­tual, or when the ex­clu­sive­ness of the con­tent makes the au­di­ence be­lieve that they are ex­clu­sive. This en­hance­ment, how­ever, may only be a be­lief by an au­di­ence rather than some­thing  that is ob­serv­able: the au­di­ence does not ac­tu­ally be­come more in­tel­li­gent, ex­clu­sive or what­ever. Con­tent Os­mo­sis is a medium sub­terfuge which is often used to ob­tain fi­nan­cial profit from the au­di­ence, and con­tent os­mo­sis is often in­cor­po­rated into the con­tent of a medium ac­cord­ing to its in­dented au­di­ence.
