Creating with the Camera, Canvas, and Computation
Session Title:
- The Big Bang of Electronic Art: Merging Abstraction and Representation in the Age of Digital Imaging
Presentation Title:
- Creating with the Camera, Canvas, and Computation
Panel: The Big Bang of Electronic Art: Merging Abstraction and Representation in the Age of Digital Imaging
Visual computing has irrevocably blurred the lines between representation and abstraction. Just as photography with its innovative realism changed the nature of painting, so digital image capture and computational creative processes are changing the relationships between previous traditional art media and directly influence our frameworks for interpreting new media works. In my work, I begin by taking digital photographs, manipulate them on the computer, create traditional drawings based on these works, re-digitize the works, and then create geometric, computationally based compositions that could never have been drawn by hand but retain the hand-drawn marking of the original drawings. The works are often further developed by adding a time-based element to create computational video drawings. The final combinations of old and new media, representational elements and mathematically inspired abstraction, and still and time-based explorations take advantage of the new visual relationships and ways of thinking made possible by the computer.
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Full text (PDF) p. 2293-2295 [Title slightly different]