“Democratizing biology through DIY Interactive Popular Science” presented by Molins-Pitarch

Session Title:

Virtual (full papers)

Presentation Title:

Democratizing biology through DIY Interactive Popular Science

Presentation Subtheme:

Ecologies of Place



The complexity of the tridimensional genome has much information to unpack. Bridging some of this information with a tangible object and interface can ease this process, acting as popular science. How can we make an interactive and tangible instance of scientific complexity to support this quest? The proposed answer is by codifying the genome in a physical interactive space and allowing an active interface for the audience with total agency among the genetic code. A DIY system is proposed to democratize this interactive popular science process. This project has been developed following the Fab Academy training in FabLabBcn within a research network of molecular biologists, ChromDesign, closely working with CNAG (National Center for Genomic Analysis).

