“Digital Flesh – Scar in Data: Remediating and Performing the Korean Female Body” presented by Bahng, Lukaszuk and Na

Session Title:

Eco/Techno Feminism (short papers)

Presentation Title:

Digital Flesh – Scar in Data: Remediating and Performing the Korean Female Body

Presentation Subtheme:

Speculative practices


Digital Flesh – Scar in Data is a multimedia performance that combines live cinema, computer vision with reactive sound, and augmented reality (AR) to challenge and reimagine the representation of the female body, particularly the South Korean female body. This project reshapes the Korean female body as a dynamic interface and instrument, blurring the boundaries between physicality and virtuality. This practice-based research delves into questions about how digital technology objectifies and represents our bodies and explores methods for re-mediating corporeality within performative practice us-ing new media.

