

Session Title:

  • (he)artbreaking to the core: zombie data and the arts of re/de/transcoding

Presentation Title:

  • Dis­or­der




  • Panel: (he)artbreaking to the core: zombie data and the arts of re/de/transcoding

    Dis­placed things, ab­sent or sur­plus ar­ti­facts and un­co­op­er­a­tive ma­te­r­ial pre­sent more about the way we cat­e­go­rize and un­der­stand the world than about their own qual­ity. They sur­prise and rid­dle, they raise ques­tions, they chal­lenge prac­tices of (re)search and han­dling, they give rea­son to mys­te­ri­ous or spec­tac­u­lar ex­pla­na­tions and ad­ven­tures. As a kind of counterepis­temic or counterex­pe­ri­ence phe­nom­ena, they chal­lenge men­tal mod­els, rou­tine scripts of every­day and pro­fes­sional life and trig­ger sto­ry­telling and dis­course.

    Thus, we should think about how we can archive such phe­nom­ena of dis­or­der and what we can learn from their ap­pear­ance and dis­ap­pear­ance for fu­ture forms of archives and archiv­ing prac­tices. How can archives in­te­grate dis­or­der as an own qual­ity?

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