Dissemination of Knowledge of Electronic Textiles in Art Schools and Universities
Session Title:
- Open Culture + Wearables
Presentation Title:
- Dissemination of Knowledge of Electronic Textiles in Art Schools and Universities
Panel: Open Culture + Wearables
The field of electronic textiles is multi-disciplinary and operates at the intersections of textile and fashion design, industrial design, furniture design, computer science, interaction design and media art. Due to this diversity, the groups of students being taught in this field are equally diverse and all possess a specific skill set associated with their future work field. In creating their work they must consider the expectations of the type of end product(s) and the way quality is judged within that context. Experience tells us there is no one way to teach electronic textiles that would serve each group equally well. Although the needs of the students differ, the skill set required to make a successful electronic textile is the same for each student.
It is important to have at least a basic understanding of both textiles and digital electronics and to know how to utilize and integrate them in a prototype. When the student’s skills in either field are lacking the result is at best naïve or clumsy, at worst students will simply not finish the project. In these diversified student groups virtually no student possesses skills in both textiles and electronics. In order to bring students to the level required for making successful electronic textiles we need to create a collection of boundary objects in the form of project documentation that describes the complete picture from textile techniques to electronics and the way integration issues were solved. Such boundary objects would allow students to see the skills they need to learn in the context of the skills they have, giving each group their own entry point into the knowledge. This presentation will discuss different methods for teaching electronic textiles to artists and designers in art schools and universities and will describe the educational tools that aid these activities, pointing to further opportunities for open design in the world of electronic textiles.