Diving into Infinity: A Motion-Based, Immersive Interface for M.C. Escher’s Works


Session Title:

  • Interacting with Visual Art and Graphic Design

Presentation Title:

  • Diving into Infinity: A Motion-Based, Immersive Interface for M.C. Escher’s Works



  • (Long paper)

    Keywords: Interactive art, motion-based interaction, M.C. Escher, video animation, Kinect-based interface, art installation, humancomputer interaction. 

    We describe a Kinect-based interface for navigating M.C. Escher’s works. Our interface is based on the Kuatro, a framework for developing motion-based interactive virtual environments. Kuatro utilizes the Model-View Controller (MVC) architecture and Open Sound Control (OSC) to provide an expandable environment for motion-sensor based installations for composers, artists, and interaction designers. We present a case study based on “Print Gallery”, an intriguing, self-similar work created by M.C. Escher in 1956. Our interaction design involves a Kinect sensor, a video projector, a Kuatro server, and a screen; it allows a user to zoom in and out, as well as rotate the image to reveal its self-similarity, by navigating prerecorded video material. This material is based on previous mathematical analyses of “Print Gallery” to reveal / explain the artist’s depiction of infinity. We discuss adapting this approach to other M.C. Escher works involving infinity

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