Ex­er­cises in Re­mote Col­lab­o­ra­tion: Huis Clos / No Exit (or, “How Cy­ber­for­mance Re­veals In­ti­macy”)


Session Title:

  • Intimate TV: Webcamming & Social Life-logging In the Surveillant-Sousveillant Space

Presentation Title:

  • Ex­er­cises in Re­mote Col­lab­o­ra­tion: Huis Clos / No Exit (or, “How Cy­ber­for­mance Re­veals In­ti­macy”)




  • Panel:  Intimate TV: Webcamming & Social Life-logging In the Surveillant-Sousveillant Space

    In 2009 I started the artis­tic re­search pro­ject Huis Clos / No Exit. Part of it is an on­go­ing net­worked per­for­mance se­ries in­ves­ti­gat­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion, that I will dis­cuss in this panel. In this pro­ject I use a spe­cially de­vel­oped in­ter­face to unite sev­eral peo­ple re­motely in a shared per­for­mance space which be­comes sub­se­quently both a lab­o­ra­tory and a play ground. The ex­pe­ri­ences in this se­ries, as with other ex­pe­ri­ences in cy­ber­for­mance, might sug­gest that today’s  in­ti­macy is no longer re­vealed through pri­vate im­ages but through shared be­hav­iour cap­tured in real time in­ter­ac­tions. I hope to end the pre­sen­ta­tion with a short demon­stra­tion of a re­mote ca­ress.

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