For a Rehabilitation of Memory
Session Title:
- 1948-2000
Presentation Title:
- For a Rehabilitation of Memory
52 years of electroacoustic creation at the INA Groupe de Recherches Musicales (GRM)
If these twenty last years the French institutions proved quite unable to defend their own artists, in particular those which were labeled as the very first pioneers in the emergence of technological arts and communication, we are not sure that this situation is changed today… Not more than a spontaneous generation regarding living organisms, there is no appearance ex-nihilo in the Art! Everything comes, always, from somewhere! It appeared particularly relevant to us, in a given context, at the time of this moment of intense reflexion which constitutes ISEA2000 on the evolution of Art and its becoming, both related to the determining development of the NTIC*)in our societies, to question us on the conditions which governed the appearance of numerical and technological arts. To operate a flashback. A return behind and a memory effort to restore some elementary truths…
* nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication