From ‘World Wide VIP’ to ‘TUTOR’ and vice versa

Presentation Title:

From ‘World Wide VIP’ to ‘TUTOR’ and vice versa



Artist Statement

TUTOR project is a work in progress that I developed in 2006-2007 in Bilbao and in San Sebastian (Spain) within the framework of DISONANCIAS. DISONANCIAS is an interdisciplinary project, founded in 2005 by Xabide Group, to promote the relationship between artistic creativity and technological innovation and to establish a new dialogue between the business world (and its technological environment), the artists’ world (and its creative development) and society – the ultimate beneficiary of the results of innovation. During 2006-2007 I was artist in residency in LEIA Scientific Foundation. As a part of the Integrated Safety Unit, I was asked to carry out research on safe environments to integrate disabled people with the aid of advanced design and simulation tools under the Design for All concept.

