Geopolitics/Mapping/Cartography: GPS Image Satellites and the Aero-Spatial Policies


Session Title:

  • Mapping and the User Experience

Presentation Title:

  • Geopolitics/Mapping/Cartography: GPS Image Satellites and the Aero-Spatial Policies




  • INTRODUCING GENEALOGY OF SPACE through concepts as GEOPOLITICS / MAPPING / CARTOGRAPHY. It is a theoretical concept based in Nietzsche, Genealogy of Moral; George Perec, Species of Spaces; Gaston Bachelar, The poetics of Space; the definitions of Panoptic and Heterotopy by Foucault, and also The Auters Spaces. It takes referees from Milleaux Plateau by Gilles Deleuze. Also, Paul Virilio in Speed and information. Alarm in cyberspace! An article for aleph arts, announces concepts as Geosphere, Geopolitics and Geostrategy for a new era in real time. Since the Cold War the dominion of public social space is determining and building the Hierarchy of spaces among different distinctions as Dystopia. Utopia. Atopia. Non-site. TAAZ. Borders. Surveillance. Internet. Cyberspace.  Neterotopies. Outer space, Universe. Etc. The geospatial studies imply satellite policies and mapping devices. This may refer to a society which does not have territorial borders and is also dealing with the causes and damage on human in the future. During the Cold War arms race, the nuclear policies treatment was to justify the costs of GPS, vital for nuclear policies and to determinate the Ballistic Missile launches position.

    It is also known that geographical data was collected by U.S. defense mapping agency during Golf War 1990/1991. Contrary to war policies, the European Environment Agency is using a new mapping tool that allows users to see land-cover information. Also ACNUR is currently working with data satellites. Among other artist working with satellites imaginary, mapping and cultural policies, Tjasa Kancler (Paradigma) collects data about the US Missile defense proposal for Europe based in an antimissiles system at the eastern European countries, obviously based in satellites uses and des-territorialized outer-space policies. Trevor Paglen shows a real-time position of classified American military and intelligence spacecraft. Laura Kurgan uses satellites location devices to map real spaces inside the museums and Peter Sforza takes use of satellites to capture images of the earth. Eduardo Kac in Satellite Art: an interview with Nam June Paik deals with militarism, technology and evolution (progress) under awareness and risk conditions with carefulness in the electronic media.

