Ibero American Observatory of Digital and Electronic Art | Observatorio Iberoamericano de Arte Digital y Electrónico
Session Title:
- Penumbra in Faint Light: Contemporary Art and Technology in Latin America
Presentation Title:
- Ibero American Observatory of Digital and Electronic Art | Observatorio Iberoamericano de Arte Digital y Electrónico
Currently Ibero-America lacks, unlike the Anglo-Saxon countries, of a systematization of the history of media art in that region. There are fragmented accounts, non-centralized information, sparse and scattered bibliography. We are interested in approaching the different efforts that have occurred or are taking place in our region, to build a common story and history, that integrates and discovers its origins and map out its main exponents and current trends. Building a non-hegemonic and decentralized view of those that currently prevail.
We will focus on the different efforts that both Latin America and Spain are making through academic and non-academic projects, and initiatives such as the creation of the “Red y Observatorio Iberoamericano de Arte Digital y Electrónico“ (Ibero-American Digital and Electronic Art Network and Observatory). Which integrates various countries and institutions in the region, with the aim of building a network that articulates efforts with the objectives of generating that narrative, systematize media art collections and strengthen regional links.