In­dex­i­cal Im­ma­te­ri­al­ity: Pho­tog­ra­phy and Cin­ema In­side the Ma­chine


Session Title:

  • The Madness of Methods: Emerging Arts Research Practices

Presentation Title:

  • In­dex­i­cal Im­ma­te­ri­al­ity: Pho­tog­ra­phy and Cin­ema In­side the Ma­chine




  • Panel: The Madness of Methods: Emerging Arts Research Practices

    Grounded in a long­stand­ing in­ter­est in the pho­to­graphic, my artis­tic re­search is partly based around the idea of the in­dex­i­cal­ity of the pho­to­graphic doc­u­ment as a trace of the real and a record of the past. My work at­tempts to probe the ques­tion of whether pho­to­graphic in­dex­i­cal­ity func­tions dif­fer­ently when ex­pe­ri­enced within a mu­ta­ble dig­i­tal en­vi­ron­ment than in a fixed ana­log one. In this paper, I will pre­sent an analy­sis of sev­eral in­ter­ac­tive new media pro­jects that I have been in­stru­men­tal in de­vel­op­ing. These are works of com­puter in­ter­face de­sign that fea­ture both pho­to­graphic and cin­e­matic im­agery in ways that rep­re­sent space, place and time in spe­cific cul­tural con­texts. This analy­sis will draw on the­o­ret­i­cal writ­ings about the in­dex­i­cal in cin­ema, pho­tog­ra­phy, new media and lan­guage by such writ­ers as Roland Barthes, Mary Ann Doane and Ros­alind Krauss.

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