“Light Shows, Live Coding & Transcoding (Online)” presented by Oppenheimer, McLean, Moulder and Heidt
Session Title:
- Online Panel Content
Presentation Title:
- Light Shows, Live Coding & Transcoding (Online)
By design the audio/visual effects of light shows, live coding and transcoding events have captured the attention of researchers, artists and scientists for decades. This panel summarizes Robin Oppenheimer’s media arts research on the histories of early Light Shows, specifically the psychedelic audio visual productions created in North America. Alex McLean will discuss the origins of algoraves, as they emerged from an international live coding scene as well as its cultural prehistory. Vicki Moulder & Michael Heidt will present works by artists who are transcoding larger technology infrastructures and networked system(s); with an emphasis on data extraction and orchestrating events in public spaces. The complex connections between these art movements and artists exemplify how the roots of electronic arts histories from diverse regions of North America and Europe are interconnected and interrelated in unexpected ways.