Lo­ca­tion of Dig­i­tal Media

Session Title:

Short:Circuit: Cross Border Communications in New Media Between US and Turkey

Presentation Title:

Lo­ca­tion of Dig­i­tal Media



Panel: Short:Circuit:  Cross Border Communications in New Media Between US and Turkey

After es­tab­lish­ing an un­der­stand­ing of how new media is de­fined, ex­am­ples will be drawn from prac­tices that use dig­i­tal media to com­ment on the techno-so­cial en­vi­ron­ment. A com­par­a­tive analy­sis of prac­tices and ex­am­ples will be of­fered to see if there are ge­og­ra­phy-spe­cific traits. Cer­tain his­tor­i­cal mo­ments, which al­lowed for ex­ten­sive use of dig­i­tal media ( such as 7th Istan­bul Bi­en­nial, 2001, dugumkume) will be re­searched to see if they had a last­ing im­pact on the dis­cus­sion and dis­sem­i­na­tion of dig­i­tal cul­ture.

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