Mat­ter 2 Media and Krstl


Session Title:

  • Pervasive Media: Practice, Value, Culture

Presentation Title:

  • Mat­ter 2 Media and Krstl




  • Panel: Pervasive Media: Practice, Value, Culture

    This talk will briefly out­line set­ting up and run­ning Mat­ter 2 Media, a Per­va­sive Media com­pany. It will also pre­sent one of the com­pa­nies prod­ucts and dis­cuss the bar­ri­ers and op­por­tu­ni­ties that the com­pany has in this new field. With ex­per­tise in mo­bile ap­pli­ca­tions and per­va­sive media tech­nolo­gies, par­tic­u­larly lo­ca­tion based ser­vices, and over a decade of ex­pe­ri­ence, Mat­ter 2 Media de­velop ex­cit­ing new ex­pe­ri­ences for real-world spaces. Through its pro­fes­sional ser­vices, mat­ter 2 media also con­sults, trou­bleshoots, re­searches, analy­ses and de­vel­ops soft­ware. Krstl is a prod­uct that was de­vel­oped through an award from the Tech­nol­ogy Strat­egy Board. Krstl de­liv­ers con­tent and ex­pe­ri­ences through en­gag­ing phys­i­cal por­tals called crys­tals. Crys­tals, which can take many in­ter­ac­tive phys­i­cal forms (see the ex­am­ple above and below), are em­bed­ded in re­tail, leisure and event spaces in­clud­ing shops, shop­ping cen­tres (malls), cafés, pubs, clubs and ex­hi­bi­tions. Vis­i­tors and cus­tomers in­ter­act with crys­tals to down­load con­tent such as video clips and coupons, re­ceive con­tent from their friends, or take part in a shared ap­pli­ca­tion such as a vote, a game or a lot­tery. Vis­i­tors in­ter­act using their mo­bile phones over the mo­bile web (in­clud­ing Wi-Fi) or Blue­tooth.
