MayDay! A Memory of History (Animation)

Session Title:

Short Paper Presentations

Presentation Title:

MayDay! A Memory of History (Animation)



This surrealist/expressionist art piece was created as a time-based digital work using abstract photographs and concrete memories! The production of this animation was inspired by the fiftieth anniversary of the “holocaust” and the realization that surviving eye-witnesses to this horrendous event were getting scarce. Time was running out; I could no longer postpone depicting my own memories of this historic event. But the perspective of time allowed some compression of events and blending personal remembrances with the relatives’ direct experience. Being an artist of still pictures has always meant putting the whole of the expression into one single frame. Using the revolutionary versatility of the new art tools has enabled me to express a memory in which duration was tantamount: the five years that’s lasted forever! This new time-based method enabled me to create something that transcends media specifics and synchronizes earlier graphics with new techniques to recreate the mood of the unforgettable and inexorable eastward motion of the “final solution”. This composition was completed in May 1997. It will now debut in the country to which we desperately tried to escape in May 1940!

