Me­dia-Mak­ing Mad­ness: #Rev­o­lu­tion, Media, and the Arab World


Session Title:

  • The Madness of Methods: Emerging Arts Research Practices

Presentation Title:

  • Me­dia-Mak­ing Mad­ness: #Rev­o­lu­tion, Media, and the Arab World




  • Panel: The Madness of Methods: Emerging Arts Research Practices

    This pre­sen­ta­tion will ex­am­ine in what ways might so­cial media in the Arab world be unique — both in terms of how the so­ci­ety is op­er­at­ing, tightly woven; and in terms of media’s his­tory in the Arab world, born in print form as an ap­pa­ra­tus of the state since the Ot­toman Em­pire? Using spa­tially de­signed in­for­ma­tion vi­su­al­iza­tions along with other rep­re­sen­ta­tions, this pre­sen­ter will demon­strate live media mix­ing as a re­search method­ol­ogy whereby one can cap­ture tem­po­ral spe­cific con­junc­tures such that oth­ers can wit­ness them. The pur­pose of doing so is to cap­ture the spe­cial some­thing that makes Twit­ter (and other so­cial media sites) so feared that a gov­ern­ment would shut down In­ter­net to an en­tire na­tion dur­ing civil up­ris­ing and protest.
