MoCCA: Mo­tion Cap­ture Cloth Analy­sis


Session Title:

  • Serious Animation: Beyond Art and Entertainment

Presentation Title:

  • MoCCA: Mo­tion Cap­ture Cloth Analy­sis




  • Panel: Serious Animation: Beyond Art and Entertainment

    The ma­jor­ity of cloth sim­u­la­tion al­go­rithms and soft­ware ap­pli­ca­tions in com­puter graph­ics are de­signed to sup­port vir­tual gar­ment cre­ation for an­i­mated char­ac­ters or vi­sual ef­fects (e.g su­per­hero capes). In these cases the pri­mary ob­jec­tive is for the sim­u­lated gar­ment to sup­port the per­for­mance of the actor. The cloth is di­rected by the an­i­ma­tor to be­have in a man­ner that is be­liev­able rather than ac­cu­rate. Ac­cu­racy (or fi­delity) is not the pri­mary goal; a so­lu­tion that is sim­ply plau­si­ble is usu­ally good enough for en­ter­tain­ment. For our pur­poses we need to vir­tu­ally pro­to­type gar­ments with a high level of mo­tion fi­delity. The MoCCA pro­ject in­ves­ti­gates the re-task­ing of dig­i­tal cloth sim­u­la­tion for pur­poses be­yond en­ter­tain­ment. We are sim­u­lat­ing ap­pli­ca­tions where gar­ments are em­ployed to sup­port the de­ploy­ment of a range of wear­able tech­nolo­gies (e.g. search and res­cue, crim­i­nal in­ves­ti­ga­tion, etc) In these cases it is use­ful to be able to ac­cu­rately pre­dict the be­hav­iour of var­i­ous ma­te­ri­als in a range of en­vi­ron­ments and sce­nar­ios.
