Mov­ing Softly For­ward


Session Title:

  • Borders and interfaces: the challenges of the wearable computer’s design in the near future

Presentation Title:

  • Mov­ing Softly For­ward




  • Panel: Borders and interfaces: the challenges of the wearable computer’s design in the near future

    This paper iden­ti­fies themes in wear­able tech­nol­ogy prac­tices within the con­text of re­search in uni­ver­si­ties and art and de­sign schools as well as in­dus­trial lab­o­ra­to­ries to sug­gest op­por­tu­ni­ties for con­cen­tra­tion of ef­forts and in­ter­na­tional col­lab­o­ra­tion. Re­search using bio­met­ric data, heart rate mon­i­tors, em­bed­ded sen­sors, blue tooth and mo­bile net­works, con­duc­tive threads, soft cir­cuitry, smart tex­tiles and shape met­als and other adap­tive fab­rics occur at sites in around the world.  Where are these? Sec­ondly, the paper be­gins to map these re­search ef­forts to the po­ten­tial of take-up by adopters (fash­ion de­sign­ers, health­care, and se­cu­rity ser­vices as ex­am­ples).  Fi­nally it sug­gests some op­por­tu­ni­ties for col­lab­o­ra­tion and points to strate­gies needed to bridge the gap be­tween re­search or art and de­sign pro­to­typ­ing and large-scale adop­tion.

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