Presentation Title:
- Mushi
Keywords: self-animating, painting, visual texture, real time, processing, animation
Mushi is a project designed to create unique, self-animating paintings with possibilities for user interaction and collaboration. Created in Processing, the program utilizes relatively simple procedural animation techniques in order to create a complex, self-designing artwork without being overly cumbersome.
Computer generated animation, whether 2D or 3D, is based on vector shapes. This makes it difficult to draw images with a large amount of texture or complexity, since hundreds or thousands of vectors of varying opacity would need to be created. While computers can draw these images, it is extremely difficult to do so at animation speeds. The entire image would have to be redrawn with every frame (roughly 30 to 60 times per second). This problem can be avoided by running pre-rendered animation, but that eliminates the possibility of user interaction and real-time response.
One possible solution is to allow the added complexity of several frames of animation to build up over time. To do this, it is necessary to stop resetting the image with each frame, and allow new visuals to be drawn directly over the existing image. As the objects are animated, they appear to be `growing’ across the screen while leaving complex textures in their wake, like a brush stroke gliding across a canvas. The result is a seemingly complex and intricate animated scene that is accomplished without adding any extra strain to the computer. Furthermore, because the basic logic behind this process is simple, it can be implemented on most coding platforms.
In the specific experiments that I have been conducting, the goal has been to mimic the texture of painting while allowing for real-time response to ambient noise or direct user input. In order to most accurately recreate the texture of paint, a particle system is used to give the moving brushes a flowing, layered effect. Each brush is composed of several ‘bristles’, which change length and opacity over time, resulting in a more fuzzy and blended appearance, which can be used to mimic actual paint or fabric thread.