“Negotiating Temporality” presented by Wright
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The artist duo (NAME ANOMYMISED) explore speculative futures where plant signals, human music, computational data collide, in a sophisticated audio-visual experience. Drawing on (NAME ANOMYMISED) cultural heritage, exploring the decolonial philosophy of mātauranga Māori (Māori epistemology), combined with a posthuman lens to art and science, our hope is that through this artwork, people will feel a little closer to the hidden bio-electrical processes of plants, and consider plants not as a resource for extraction, but as a ‘companion species’ (Donna Haraway) in a sustainable ecology. Bringing computational data visualisation methods using code and algorithms into contact with the shared cultural cosmology of (NAME ANOMYMISED) ancestral lines, affords the capacity to weave new speculative futures that challenge Western assumptions about Indigenous culture and the limits of knowledge. This research examines non-linear time and aims to decolonise the narrow field of computational technology by exposing it to the broad and open perspectives of mātauranga Māori, generating a space of diversity and inclusion within the mainstream.