“neighboring|towns” presented by Jennings


Presentation Title:

  • neighboring|towns



  • neighboring|towns is an immersive four-channel video and sound installation about borders, restriction of movement, and family/community life. It focuses on the unique border community of Derby Line, Vermont and Stanstead, Quebec where families affected by the US travel ban are reuniting and poses critical questions regarding the politics of sentience. Within neighboring|towns, an Iranian man whose family has traveled across the globe to reunite at the library describes their reunion. Music at the annual Vermont Sacred Harp Shape Note Sing, hosted by Derby Line’s bi-national singing group, provides a view into the local close-knit American/Canadian community. Other screens show the library’s quiet interior with a black line on its floor delineating the border; the Tomifobia River, which surges across the border; and two skiers, one in Derby Line and one in Stanstead, who guide viewers to, but not across international lines.
