New Media Con­tem­po­rary In­for­ma­tion Par­a­digms: The Re­ordered Mem­ory on File Archive Struc­tures

Session Title:

New Media Archives- New Intelligent Ambiances

Presentation Title:

New Media Con­tem­po­rary In­for­ma­tion Par­a­digms: The Re­ordered Mem­ory on File Archive Struc­tures


Panel: New Media Archives- New Intelligent Ambiances

The paper “Con­tem­po­rary in­for­ma­tion par­a­digms: the re­ordered mem­ory on FILE Archive struc­tures” leads the dis­cus­sions that in­crease the per­cep­tions about the het­ero­ge­neous con­tent of dig­i­tal art mem­ory, high­light­ing the FILE elec­tronic lan­guage in­ter­na­tional fes­ti­val Archive, under the per­spec­tive of in­tel­li­gent sys­tems. With an In­for­ma­tion Sci­ence the­o­ret­i­cal ap­proach and con­sid­er­ing new prac­tices in the area, the study will raise per­spec­tives in using these ex­pert struc­tures, con­sid­er­ing the re­cent goals to de­velop a new FILE Archive en­vi­ron­ment.

Related Links:

Full text (PDF) p. 1964-1967

