“Novohispanic Imaginary: Light, Shadow and Diagrams” presented by Jasso

Session Title:

Latin American Forum I: Variantologia Latina

Presentation Title:

Novohispanic Imaginary: Light, Shadow and Diagrams



This text is set forth in consideration with a task we have already begun to engage in Mexico, whereby some of us researchers deem necessary to engage a genealogy of the relations between (relatively) contemporary art and media, alongside a reading through the prism of media theory that articulates an archeological notion of these elements. It appears increasingly necessary to bring about a first action of inscription for this mode of thought, structuring a program that covers not only the 20th century or current times, but one that reaches back in time to substantially inquire the formation of art-technique-science relations in the Novohispanic imaginary and as concerns the birth of a “criollo” historic consciousness.
