Only Human….


Session Title:

  • Motion Capture and Dance: what it can do, what it can’t do, and what it should never attempt

Presentation Title:

  • Only Human….




  • Panel: Motion Capture and Dance: what it can do, what it can’t do, and what it should never attempt

    Move­ment analy­sis in the sci­en­tific realm is often char­ac­terised by the de­sire for cer­tainty and pre­dictabil­ity yet this level of pre­dictabil­ity may not al­ways be de­sir­able in an artis­tic con­text. In the area of dance cre­ation and per­for­mance, the fact that hu­mans can be sur­pris­ing, in­spired, frag­ile and un­pre­dictable could be seen as part of their po­ten­tial cre­ativ­ity and prefer­able to ob­vi­ous, ro­botic re­sponses. How far would we allow ma­chines to carry sim­i­lar traits in their analy­sis and re­sponses to human move­ment? This pre­sen­ta­tion in­ves­ti­gates the area of ma­chine learn­ing and un­der­stand­ing as it may be ap­plied to mo­tion cap­ture analy­sis in per­for­mance, in­clud­ing the as­pi­ra­tion of many ma­chine learn­ing tech­niques to model and ap­proach human learn­ing.

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