P(l)aying (with) At­ten­tion: Dis­tracted Re­al­ity Ver­sus Aug­mented Place


Session Title:

  • Hybrid Spatial Experiences

Presentation Title:

  • P(l)aying (with) At­ten­tion: Dis­tracted Re­al­ity Ver­sus Aug­mented Place




  • Panel: Hybrid Spatial Experiences

    Loca­tive media use our co­or­di­nates in space as keys into our in­for­ma­tion, os­ten­si­bly to bring that in­for­ma­tion to us where we need it. Aug­mented Re­al­ity os­ten­si­bly aug­ments the re­al­ity we are in by over­lay­ing this in­for­ma­tion on our per­cep­tual field, the bet­ter to serve us. But do these tech­nolo­gies re­ally serve to con­nect us to the places we find our­selves in, or, to the con­trary, do they serve to fur­ther re­move us from them? This paper will dis­cuss the promises and prob­lems of our ever-chang­ing re­la­tion to space, me­di­ated and oth­er­wise, and will pro­pose var­i­ous re­sponses and strate­gies for ad­dress­ing them.
