Process VS. Product, resisting the self-gratifying loop, regaining a DIY perspective


Session Title:

  • DIY Processes

Presentation Title:

  • Process VS. Product, resisting the self-gratifying loop, regaining a DIY perspective



  • (Short paper)

    Keywords: DIY, publishing, book scanner, 3D printing, CCTV Camera, selfie.

    DIY (do-it-yourself) has taken on expanded meaning beyond reappropriating communication and media typical for underground cultural movements since the seventies. DIY has been extended by the so-called ‘bedroom generation’ during the nineties, metaphorically opening its bedroom walls to the digitally connected world. Twenty years later the same and the subsequent generations seem to be trapped in an endless technologically driven self-referential narrative. Furthermore, the virtual disappearance of the walls has been conceptually replaced by the borders of the screen to which they’re constantly referring. The previous ability to question dominant cultural code and enable alternative ‘processes’, has been obfuscated by the easiness and almost instantness of producing virtual and physical products. This as generated an vacuous loop of self-gratification. Confronting the media strategies of contemporary DIY is then necessary in order to break out of this loop and find again a strategic perspective.

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